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31-40 от 70
5 стр.

Reasons for Hamlet’s Delay in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Анализ на 'Хамлет' от Шекспир. Предназначен за студенти, изучаващи английска литература.
2 стр.

Macbeth short analysis

Кратък анализ върху Макбет от У.Шекспир. За ученици от 11 клас.
5 стр.

Why does the Pardoner make no secret of his fraudulent intentions and practices?

These and other considerations make it worth while to look with some scrutiny at what passes for Chaucer's great sin against dramatic propriety, the confession of the Pardoner.
2 стр.

“The Canterbury Tales”

“The Canterbury Tales” describes a distinct picture of the Chaucer’s age when the society was divided into classes and the ruling qualities were the greed and avarice.
2 стр.

What are the consequences if Nato expands further to the east?

Статията дава анализ на сегашното политическо положение в Европа и дава аргументи "за" и "против" допълнително разширяване на НАТО.
3 стр.

Shakespeare’s sonnet 18- "Love"

Анализ на 18ти сонет от Шекспир. Разглеждане и сравняване на основните мотиви - любов, красота,природа.
1 стр.

"Agnes Grey" - анализ

Това е анализ на книгата на Anne Bronte "Agnes Grey" . Накратко за най-важните неща в книгата.
3 стр.

Henry Fielding: Overview

Criticism about: Henry Fielding (1707-1754), also known as: Sir Alexander Drawcansir, H. Scriblerus Secundus, Conny Keyber
2 стр.

Edward Taylor

Edward Taylor was born in 1642 in Sketchley, Leicestershire, England. He was born into a Puritan family when Puritan dominance was on the rise and so was civil war in England...
3 стр.

"Paradise Lost" - John Milton

John Milton was born in London. His mother Sarah Jeffrey, a very religious person, was the daughter of a merchant sailor. His father, also named John, had risen to prosperity as a scrivener or law writer - he also composed music.