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1-10 от 13
12 стр.

Writings -essays

Есетата са много важна част от писмения изпит. Кандидатите трябва да са готови да напишат есе на зададена тема с точно посочена дължина - от 240 до 280 думи.....
1 стр.

Христианството в България

Orthodox Church is one of the main branches of Christianity. It includes a group of churches, recognizing the first seven ecumenical council and share full communionAnd specific doctrines and traditions....
5 стр.

Hamlet's characters

THIS is that Hamlet the Dane, whom we read of in our youth, and whom we may be said almost to remember in our after-years...
4 стр.

Analysis of Romeo and Juliet

Between tragedy and comedy the transition is often but slightly marked...
2 стр.

"Dervishovo seed" Nikolai Haitov

The story "Dervishovo seed" Nikolai Haitov introduced in the Bulgarian literature, problems encountered to date in the life of Bulgarians...
1 стр.

Children and their parents

Grown-up children living at home is not an uncommon phenomenon and there are many cases where a child still lives at home, even when he or she is 21...
2 стр.

Macbeth short analysis

Кратък анализ върху Макбет от У.Шекспир. За ученици от 11 клас.
2 стр.

What are the consequences if Nato expands further to the east?

Статията дава анализ на сегашното политическо положение в Европа и дава аргументи "за" и "против" допълнително разширяване на НАТО.
3 стр.

Shakespeare’s sonnet 18- "Love"

Анализ на 18ти сонет от Шекспир. Разглеждане и сравняване на основните мотиви - любов, красота,природа.
3 стр.

"Paradise Lost" - John Milton

John Milton was born in London. His mother Sarah Jeffrey, a very religious person, was the daughter of a merchant sailor. His father, also named John, had risen to prosperity as a scrivener or law writer - he also composed music.