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1-10 от 23
7 стр.

Rebuke of morality in post-liberation stories of Ivan Vazov

Central image Vazov art was born. He has dvuplanov conceptual construction. In a range of works painted as Homeland svrahtsennost as possible idealized world: land-like the heavenly paradise with glorious distant and near heroic past...
3 стр.

Nature in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

Анализ върху една поема от Колеридж (Американски романтизъм). Разкрива се образа на Природата - пряка връзка с Бога, считана по онова време за едно от най-важните неща в тази епоха...
1 стр.

Britain's Scientific Achievements

The document analyzes some of the scientific achievements of Britain....
4 стр.

Дидактическите игри в обучението по английски език

В живота на детето, когато влезе в класната стая, настъпва сериозна промяна. За три - четири месеца то трябва да стане ученик...
3 стр.

This Time It's Personal

Анализ на книгата This Time It's Peronal от Alan Battersby...
3 стр.

American Interests

In “The Wild Beast”, Peter Maass tells the horrific story of the people involved in the Bosnian War...
6 стр.

Apollo’s Harsher Songs “Desire without an object of desire” Helen Vendler

Apollo’s Harsher Songs “Desire without an object of desire” Helen Vendler Helen Vendler enters Wallace Stevens’ work by a critical attempt to interrogate his ‘harsh poems,’ making an objection to the common consideration of Stevens as a ‘sweet,’ ‘aesth...
1 стр.

Analysis of Jane Eyre

In Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte portrays one woman's desperate struggle to attain her identity in the mist of temptation, isolation, and impossible odds. Although she processes a strong soul she must fight not only the forces of passion and reason...
10 стр.

Tourism development in Bulgaria in the 21st century

The following paper tries to provide an idea of the Bulgarian tourism development in the 21st century. I would like to focus on different types of tourism, analyses and overviews concerning tourism and mention some historical facts with regard to it...
11 стр.

Мacbeth - reading questions

Reading questions for "Macbeth",Sakespeare Norton Act 1, 2,3...