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251-260 от 510
2 стр.

The global outlook

The global outlook: a slowdown in developed countries and higher risks in inancial and commodity markets The financial turmoil that erupted in August 2007, the unprecedented oil price increases and the possibility of tighter monetary policy in a number...
3 стр.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Какви са ползите и недостатъците от използването на интернет на Английски език...
4 стр.

My Trip to the Field Museum

Today is April 19th and I went to the Field Museum in Downtown Chicago with my mother...
12 стр.

Стволови клетки

Uses in research, Genetic manipulation, Random Transgenesis, Gene Targeting, Gene Trapping, In Vitro Models to Study Embryonic Lethality, Developmental and Disease Models...
3 стр.

Падеж в английския език

В английския език единственото останало падежно окончание е -s'за родителен падеж, което изразява отношения на собственост.
2 стр.

Adultery in The Crucible and The Color Purple

Throughout literature, one comes across characters that are not as appealing because they are promiscuous. John Proctor, from “The Crucible”, Harpo and Albert, from The Color Purple, are all examples of men who commit adultery. Their respective wives...
2 стр.

Our favourite holiday is Christmas

Сhristmas Day is one of the biggest Christian holidays. It was the birth of Christ the Savior. On this day over quadragesimal Christmas fast, which began on 15 November to Christmas Eve Christmas ....
10 стр.

The Ideal Politician in Weberian Thought and Classical Confucianism

The Ideal Politician in Weberian Thought and Classical Confucianism.
11 стр.

Рhrasal verbs

Въведени фразови глаголи за по-лесна систематизация на материала и усвояването на употребата им.
2 стр.

Времена в английския език

Най важните времена в английския език...