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21-30 от 510
2 стр.

Baroque - Church Motives in Arts

The Baroque is an artistic style, which is fluent mostly between 16th and 18th century. It originated in Rome, Italy and spred across most of Europe...
1 стр.

Argumentative essay-are you for or against censorship in movies and music ?

Nowadays, people discuss really often the censorship theme and there are many different and controversial opinions about it. For some people it is wrong and for another it is right...
1 стр.

Auto engineer

I would like to work in the field of automotive engineering and designing. This career is basically taking an automobile idea and formatting it on to paper or computer programs...
4 стр.

France - food, sport and lifestyle

France is a country full of taste and elegance, and simply being there is a satisfying experience. All proud to be French, people respect their land with strong and real traditions of civic equality...
3 стр.

Граматика по английски език

Граматика: времена, each & every, първи условен тип изречения + примери и др....
1 стр.

Пушенето - рисковано или не (на английски)

I am not a smoker and I have never tried, so I cannot tell what the feeling is. However, I know that thousands of years ago smoking was considered as a religious ceremony ...
5 стр.

New words

This is the way of learning new words.if you need a word just see it....
4 стр.

Времена в английския

Времена в английският език под формата на план за всеки ученик или студент...
1 стр.

Are People Today More Stressed Than People in The Past?

Well let’s see, right now I am in a room, making an exam and a few teachers are evaluating every word I am about so say. Am I nervous, are my hands shaking, am I in cold sweat - I think so. I am pretty much under a lot of pressure...
1 стр.

People Often Confuse Appearances with Reality

Our initial impression people and objects is of great importance because it determines our perception them...