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341-350 от 510
3 стр.

Flying Dreams

To Fly Has Been a Dream On a bright sunny day with the sky as clear as crystal glass, you peer out into the open sky to the land down below.
19 стр.

Компанията "PUMA" (на английски)

Този проект съдържа цялата история на компанията за спортни облекла "PUMA".
2 стр.

The widespread use of the Internet has given people access to information on a level never experienced before.How does this availability of information influence life in today’s world?

Since the human kind exists the people looked for a way to pass their knowledges on their progenies.They used to make graphics on the caves' walls to save the information they want to will...
1 стр.

Students learn better when they are not treathened with possible failure.Do you agree or disagree.Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

Considering recently made researches among the young population and especially the students,it was prooved that the emotional conditions of the mind reflects on our performance at school.Considering me,I definitely will agree with the statement that...
1 стр.

Many people believe that the parents are too permissive with their children nowadays.

The childhood is the period of our life in which we are in the process of growing and learning.No sooner are we born when we start to study.Noone is born knowledgable,the parents are these who help us as we are still young and valuable,educate us and...
2 стр.

Look at your future. What will, might, should it be like Write about what you should, must, can do now in order to make your life want it to be

Look at your future. What will, might, should it be like Write about what you should, must, can do now in order to make your life want it to be?...
1 стр.

The private car has brought more harm than benefits to the planet.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.

Nowadays the problem how to save our environment ecological stable is getting more and more discussed.Different factors cause the pollution,but one of the most major is the car and especially the good deal of cars.In my opinion the private car has...
1 стр.

Do you believe that people should marry someone of their own race, or do you think that it doesn’t matter

Do you believe that people should marry someone of their own race, or do you think that it doesn’t matter?
2 стр.

The town where i was born

A short describtion of Smolyan Town........................
2 стр.

Parents should be punished when their child breaks the law. Do you agree?

A “get tough” on juvenile crime perspective seems to dominate public opinion as school shooting incidents continue to occur across the nation and the media reports young children committing violent crimes...