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451-460 от 510
1 стр.

Do you think abortion must be prohibited. Why or why not?

There is no other matter more valuable than life. To take somebody’s life is a serious crime. Although there are some cases in which it is doubtful if takings somebody’s life is out of the law. The abortion is a problem discussed over and over again...
1 стр.

The School of My Dreams

At first you can see wonderful tables with many pieces of china and flowers. Every class gets their breakfast on flying trays. Plates and dishes can be used only once. You can see a modem bar for pupils with a beautiful barman.
3 стр.

What is like to be a parent

Есе на английски език на тема какво е да бъдеш родител. Вкючва примери от живота, цитати на известни личности и др.
1 стр.

Toefl essay

Есе, подходящо за ТОЕФЛ изпити. С високо ниво на използваните думи.
1 стр.

Present Perfect Continuous

Кратък урок за това граматическо време в англисйкия език.
1 стр.

"Agnes Grey" - анализ

Това е анализ на книгата на Anne Bronte "Agnes Grey" . Накратко за най-важните неща в книгата.
1 стр.

What kind of harmony do you wish in your life?

Harmony is a wonderful feeling, a state of mind that everybody is longing for and striving to achieve. It is a state when people are peaceful and agree with each other and when incompatible things seem right or suitable together...
1 стр.

Many families have important traditions that family members share.What is one of your family’s important traditions?Use specific reasons and details to support your response.

Well,many families have traditions which family members share.They are different in the different families.Also the traditions have not the same importance.But it is significant that family members share them...
1 стр.

Ecology of Bulgaria

The problem that concerns ecology has been discussed for years now. We must to begin with this, that the problem of ecology is consequence between the interaction of the society and the nature.
1 стр.

Love Makes The World Go Round

Love means a lot to everybody because it gives life a new meaning. We all feel much happier when we know that there is somebody who really cares about us. We see our duties, our difficulties, our everyday boring chores with different eyes. We feel great,