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41-50 от 510
1 стр.

have you ever been unhappy?

Unhappiness is all around us. Every day happens something that makes you feel unhappy. It can be your personal disappointment, failure, loss or whatever that makes you feel sad, makes you cry and think that life sucks....
5 стр.

Неправилни глаголи в английския език

Представени са в таблица, удобна за ползване...
2 стр.

Appearances are deceiving

Есе по Англйски език на тема Appearances are deceiving...
2 стр.

Sometimes ambition is a falce friend

To define the limits of the concept of being ambitious is a hard task. One finds oneself vacillating dramatically between that admirable innate drive to surpass the limits of our personal achievements...
3 стр.

Lord of the Flies, The importance of the conch, the fire and the pig's head

The novel is an allegory of mankind’s nature – aggression, instinct for self-preservation, leadership. All these characteristics are apparently show in their development process through the young boys and their actions...
1 стр.

Religion in Britain

A lecture about the religion in Britain, how it began, how it evolved...
1 стр.

What is the secret of effective time management?

Organizing our time is one of the most complicated goals we can set ourselves...
1 стр.

The function of myths in the culture of a people

Функцията на митовете за културата на един народ. Есето е подходящо както за ученици така и за студенти...
1 стр.

People succeed due to hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.

Todays world is a competetive world. Everyone here wants to be famous and want success in his life. Whether he may be successful boxer, sportman, actor or writer his present positin is only due to hard work....
4 стр.

Как да напишем есе

Видове есета и как се пишат - Есето може да бъде разделено на четири основни типа: разказвателен, описателен, рефлективен и дискусионен (полемичен)...