Филтрирай резултатите
21-30 от 34
9 стр.

Christmas in England

Доклад за коледата в Англия.
4 стр.

Solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts solar energy into electricity by the photovoltaic effect.

Solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts solar energy into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. Photovoltaics is the field of technology and research related to the application of solar cells as solar energy
4 стр.

Easter day

Easter day in Bulgarian, Finland, Germany, Russia ........
6 стр.

Christmas in Germany

The german customs, preparations for the big Christian holiday- Christmas.
1 стр.

Animal Rights

Because of their sentient nature, animals have rights that are denied them in law and daily life. As many as 115 million animals are experimented on and killed in laboratories in the US every year...
5 стр.

Неправилни глаголи в английския език

Това са най-често използваните неправилни глаголи в английския език...
5 стр.

European union

tozi doklad e napraven li4no ot men za6toto vednaz mi poiskaha da napravq doklad po angliiski za EU. nadqvam se da vie haresalo!!!
1 стр.

The Landmarks of England

England is a land of ancient cities, royal palaces, massive cathedrals, and legendary sites. Mighty castles, stately homes, glorious gardens, and tiny picturesque villages enhance the natural beauty of the countryside. London is the capital of Great.
15 стр.

Age of Enlightenment

Доклад по английски език на тема Просвещението в Англия.
2 стр.

Clowning and clowns

Clowning (also known as skeeting) is a form of entertainment which has appeared in some manner in virtually every culture.