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9 стр.

Art and advertising

There is a distinct connection between art and advertising. There are three major visual arts, sculpture, painting, and architecture...
2 стр.

United Kingdom

Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. In the British Isles there are two states. One of these governs most of the island of Ireland. This state is usually called...
2 стр.

kids and internet

Helps for oral presentation on the internet and children....
2 стр.

The Roman Thermae

Located in the Southeastern part of modern Varna, the Roman Thermae were built upon more than 7000 sq.m. and used to be the largest antic public building in Bulgaria...
10 стр.

Market segmentation

В работата се описва делението на пазара на различни сегменти според различни характеристики...
2 стр.

египетска митология

малко египетска митология на някой ако му трябва доклад - ето го перфектния
1 стр.

Sofia Museums

The museums in Sofia are almost exclusively Bulgaria-oriented. They are aimed at chronicling the conflicting fortunes of this once great empire...
4 стр.

Negotiations in English

One of the most important skills anyone can hold in daily life is the ability to negotiate. In general terms, a negotiation is a resolution of conflict...
3 стр.

Hygiene and health related knowledge about the respiratory system

Normal gas exchange, normal ion concentration in blood and in tissue fluid and equilibrium between the assumed and the excreted water of the organism are necessary for the normal functioning of the respiratory system....
1 стр.

World War 2

In Britain, though there we two million unemployed, but things were generally looking prosperous following the slump of the great Depression. Nevertheless it was a totally unprepared Britain that declared war on Germany on September 3...