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20 стр.

История на английски език

кратка история за развитието на английския език от създаването му до наши дни...
12 стр.

My familiy

The word "family" has many different meanings. In my opinion the most certain meaning of the word family is the one that consists of mother, father and children. Even though I consider that, that is the most appropriate meaning of the...
13 стр.

Responsible Tourism in U.S.A.

Ecotourism is emerging in North America in the mid 80's, due to the development of travel in the most remote places with preserved nature. This is tourism in the less affected by human creation which should contribute to nature protection and welfare...
8 стр.

Terry Pratchett`s Discworld : Characters of the witches from the Lancre coven

Terry Pratchett`s Discworld : Characters of the witches from the Lancre coven...
11 стр.

Hotel “Mimoza”

The hotel is the main representative of the classic hotel. It is the most popular and most representative institution of residence. Hotel Mimosa is situated in the resort Golden Sands and seasonal operational period....
3 стр.

Continue of Sleeping Beauty

Курсова работа за 3-ти курс английски език - Иметодика по интерактивни практики при Златка Червенкова...
5 стр.

Course project in pragmatics

When I claim something for something, which was, is, and will be, i.e. when I present my point of view, then I use statements. All expressions are based on statements. The main bearer of the statement is the sentence...
5 стр.

John Milton

John Milton’s poem ‘Paradise Lost’ concerns Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God and fall...
12 стр.

Agreement of the Predicate and the Subject

The subject names whom or what a sentence is about. The predicate indicates action performed or expressed by the subject...
7 стр.

Курсова по английски

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation...