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3 стр.

When we are speaking or words we know that the word is free-standing item in the language. Word has it’s own individual meaning.

The morpheme is the smallest meaning full part of the word which cannot be divided further more. A word must consist of at least one potentially free-standing morpheme. The semantic classification of morphemes and the structural classification of...
41 стр.

The sentence – definition, features and types

Syntax is a major branch of linguistics which along with morphology deals with the description of the structure / grammar / of linguistic expressions. Morphology / from Old Greek – “the study of form”/ deals with the paradigms of forms of linguistic...
17 стр.

Modern linguistic theories

The lecturеs are about the modern linguistic theories...
3 стр.

Introduction of learning English

Methodology of FLT is a scientific discipline comprising of well-defined means of teaching and learning a foreign language. This well-defined principles enable us to think a short cut in learning and teaching a foreign language and...
1 стр.

Word structure, word formation

About the structure of the words and their formation......
1 стр.

What's terminologie

Introduccion,what's terminologie?First lesson,basic terminologieTermino!ogy is nowadays seen as а number of practices that Ьауе evo!ved around the creation of terтs (а !exica! unit consisting of one or more than one word which represents а concept...
5 стр.

Sociolinguistics. Subject matters of SL .Varieties of language

SL deals with the analyses of language diversity i.e. language variation over geographical areas , dialects of lang. ,special forms of language such as slang. A major issue in SL is the description of how linguistic differences related to sociological...
8 стр.

English language - IDIOMS

BURNING THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS- doing too much PUTTING THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE – doing things in the wrong order PUTTING HIS FOOT IN HIS MOUTH – saying embarrassing things BEATING AROUND THE BUSH – speaking indirectly ...