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1 стр.

Some students prefer just to listen to the teacher

Изпитно есе във формат до 150 думи, оценено с отлична оценка. Есето съдържа основните компоненти- увод, теза, изложение ( с 3 подтези) и заключение....
1 стр.

We do not need books anymore as we can get all the information that we need on computers.

At the beginning of the XXI century computers are a permanent part of our everyday lives. In less than a century they have become from a luxury to something very ordinary. Before the books have been the only way to spread, preserve and find information,
2 стр.

Enterprise Elementary

Ex. 1 Put the words in the right place well-built; broad shoulders; middle-aged; plain; friendly smile; ugly; mean; talkative; beard; slim; shy; imaginative; straight; plump; beautiful; short; in his late thirties; curly; wavy; jealous...
4 стр.

Stonehenge - essay

It’s been called the eight wonder in the world, the biggest mystery of the ancient world. The megalithic ruin known as Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the southern English county of Wiltshire..
1 стр.

School uniforms

School uniforms have been the cause of many jokes to those who wore them. Displayed as robots without the ability to express themselves in a society that says you must express yourself and be an individual...
2 стр.

Nothing can be done to save the environment!

Our way of living is a big problem for the environment. We use more and more natural resources - water, air and land. This cannot continue longer...
2 стр.

Remedies from the rainforest

Превод от английски на български от учебник...
3 стр.

Teenager`s hobbies

Teenagers in Bulgaria have many interests and different hobbies. Girls are different from boys...
4 стр.

Дидактическите игри в обучението по английски език

В живота на детето, когато влезе в класната стая, настъпва сериозна промяна. За три - четири месеца то трябва да стане ученик...