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71-80 от 510
2 стр.

Is Victor Frankenstein the bad one or his creation?

Mary Shelley wrote the history of Frankenstein in 1816. It gives birth to many questions about society and people. We are still looking for the answers. In this essay I will consider who is the real monster - Victor Frankenstein or his creation....
15 стр.

Intra-frim conflicts

The reason why I chose the topic “Intra firm conflicts - social dimentions” for my analitical paper is...
1 стр.

Love is blind

Love is a sophisticated matter, which can’t be simply explained. It is a blend of complicated and deep feelings and drives people to do strange and unaccountable things. As one of the most memorable poets Jeffrey Chaucer said- “love is blind”...
1 стр.

World Water Crisis

World water crisis is one of the biggest problem in the world.....
1 стр.

Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible

Есето е образец на една от задачите на писмения изпит за TOEFL...
1 стр.

If you could ask a famous person one question what would you ask

Есето е образец на една пт писмените задачи за изпита TOEFL...
1 стр.

Five things I can't live without

Есе по английски на тема: "пет неща, без които не мога да живея"...
2 стр.

Моя първи мотор

I was about 15years old when my uncle bought his motorcycle. And of course I wanted to ride it. My uncle showed me how start it, how to switch the gears, and one day he even gave me a chance to drive it with him sitting on the back. But for some reason...
1 стр.

A problem shared is a problem solved

People have different approaches to solving them- some want to stay alone and to speculate on them, while others think that it will be better to share it...
2 стр.

United Kingdom

Great Britain includes England, Scotland and Wales. In the British Isles there are two states. One of these governs most of the island of Ireland. This state is usually called...