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91-100 от 164
1 стр.

Comparison of the U.S.-Japan and German-British Trade Rivalr

Comparison of the U.S.-Japan and German-British Trade Rivalr
4 стр.

The Dred Scott Decision

There have been several cases in the history of the Supreme Court that have had a powerful impact on both the highest court of the land and the history of the United States.
2 стр.

Rise of Democracy in South America

South Amerika is a land of different cultures and has...
8 стр.

The General Strike of 1926

The General Strike of 1926 fail and what were the effects...
3 стр.

Othello - Character Analysis

In the play Othello, the character of Othello has certain...
1 стр.

Night - Analysis of the Novel

Wiesel's Night is about what the Holocaust did, not just to the Jews, but by extension, to humanity. People all over the world were devastated by this atrocious act, and there are still people today who haven't overcome the effects.
11 стр.

Биография на Джони Деп

В биографията има много подробности, включително и филми, които в момента се доваршват.
2 стр.

Salinger- biography

Salinger was born in Manhattan, New York to a Jewish father and an Irish Catholic mother. His father, Solomon, worked for a meat importer.
3 стр.

Образ базарова

Личностъ базарова замйкается в самой себе, потому что вне ее и вокруг нее почти нет вовсе родственнйх ей елементов.
19 стр.

Россия, Russia - История России - возможности изучения “Политика Росии”

Мировоззрение летописцев - первых историков - было религиозным. История государства и общества истолковывалась как осуществление божественного замысла, воздаяние людям за добродетели и наказание за грехи.