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1 стр.

Love is blind

Love is a sophisticated matter, which can’t be simply explained. It is a blend of complicated and deep feelings and drives people to do strange and unaccountable things. As one of the most memorable poets Jeffrey Chaucer said- “love is blind”...
2 стр.

The Noun - General Clasification (Morphological and Semantic)

From a semantic point of view nouns are an open class of words, which express a thing, idea or a concept. They have a number of characteristics that set them apart from other word classes. For example they can form plural (car ~ cars) or take articles (a
1 стр.


London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is - the big metropolis in the European Union...
5 стр.

My Country

. Bulgaria is a country in Southeastern Europe and is located in the center of the Balkan Peninsula. It borders Romania to the north, east to the Black Sea to the south by Turkey and Greece to the west with Serbia and Macedonia....
2 стр.

Francis Bacon

My opinion of Francis Bacon's essay 'Of Marriage and Single Life'. about Francis Bacon...
1 стр.

World Water Crisis

World water crisis is one of the biggest problem in the world.....
1 стр.

Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible

Есето е образец на една от задачите на писмения изпит за TOEFL...
1 стр.

If you could ask a famous person one question what would you ask

Есето е образец на една пт писмените задачи за изпита TOEFL...
1 стр.

Английски език

Въпроси и отговори на Английски език...
1 стр.

Five things I can't live without

Есе по английски на тема: "пет неща, без които не мога да живея"...