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311-320 от 1000
1 стр.

Everybody is an architect of his own destiny

Every single day, man builds it's own destiny and own character by what he thinks, does, says and/or feels...
17 стр.

The picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray  Oscar Wilde   Themes, Motifs & Symbols Themes    When The Picture of Dorian Gray was first published in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1890, it was decried as immoral. In revising the text the following year, Wilde include..
2 стр.

My place in Europe

My thoughts about Еurope...
2 стр.

Why children do not want to leave their home

Why children do not want to leave their home Essay We all are children of this earth. It is our home. We were born here...
8 стр.

Terry Pratchett

With his short story The Hades Business published in the school magazine when he was thirteen, and commercially when he was fifteen, Terry was obviously in line for a bright future.........
3 стр.

Intonation In English

Intonation In English-лекция за интонацията в Английския език...
1 стр.

Computer - Friend of Foe

Есе за ученици и кандидат-студенти на тема - Компютърът приятел или не...
2 стр.

Global warming

Есе, изготвено на английски език, подходящо за ученици и студенти, които са в по-напреднал етап от изучаването на английски език...
1 стр.

Describe aspects of Bulgarian culture that you consider important and explain why(Essay)

Есе за българската култура на Английски език...
3 стр.

Evidence of Globalization in Sofia/Bulgaria

The globalization leads to world-wide tax free trading. Now, to get a car from Germany to Bulgaria is almost free of charge, compared to the price of the car...