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391-400 от 510
1 стр.

Children are pushed into adulthood too early. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that childhood is the most valuable period of life and one should experience it in the best possible way.
1 стр.

Online Advertising: How They Can Help Promote Your Small Online Business

There are free ways to promote your small business on the Internet. In fact, many online business owners convinced that advertising with free ways would generate organic traffic that translated to better ranking in search engines.
1 стр.

American school education

Primary school American children start school at the age of five years. The first year at school is called kindergarten...
3 стр.

Reported speech

If you want to write what someone has said, the simplest way is to repeat the exact words that they had used in quotation marks (“...”). This is called ‘direct speech’.
3 стр.

The qualities of a great man

The qualities of a great man are vision, integrity, profundity of character...
4 стр.

Writing Business Letters

Writing letters has some pitfalls and many people go to great lengths to avoid it. Even when it means losing the business or customers. The threat of facing a blank page or a bare computer screen can be more powerful than the need to write a letter
2 стр.

Living alone is more enjoyable than living with someone else. Do you agree or disagree?

In ancient times people believed that person should live with his family until he or she grows up and create his/her own family. At the present time humans are free to choose where and with who to live...
2 стр.

The traditional Bulgarian wedding

Материалът представлява подробно описание на обичаите и поверите, свързани с традиционната българска сватба, написано на английски език.
1 стр.

Тhe Moon (Луната)

The moon. How much is beautiful! I like sitting outside in the quiet summer nights and observing her...
2 стр.

Spare the rod, spoil the child

And those factors are strongly influenced by the parents and the environment. But mostly its up to the parents to teach their child the proper behaviour.