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1 стр.

Есе за Бургас - на английски

I was born in Bourgas , a city in the south east of Bulgaria .Bourgas was an old fishing village situated in a place called ‘SLADKATA VODA’. People called it...
2 стр.

The heroes of today

In conclusion, beauty is subjective. You know what it is by the way you define it. True prettiness lies in the heart and not in money, makeup and surgery. It is natural.
2 стр.

Принцеса Даяна - доклад по Английски език

Diana Frances Spencer (1961-1997) was born in Norfolk, Britain on July 1, 1961 (Donnelly, 1997). DianaIs fater, the eighth Earl Spencer was equerry to King George VI from 1950...
1 стр.

The technological innovations influence on people’s behavior

Today the influence on people’s behavior is worst than it used to be.People prefer to stay at home and watch television than to read books or go for a walk in open air...
2 стр.

Advanteges and disadvateges of immigrating

What are the Advanteges and disadvateges of immigrating and why is it important to learn English
1 стр.

Travel is the greatest form of education

Есе на английски на тема " Пътуването е най-великата форма на обучение" 394 думи.
1 стр.

Тhe Young Generation Knows Best

It’s often said that elderly people are much wiser because they have more experience and greater knowledge than the young generation...but is that true in today's life...
1 стр.

What's terminologie

Introduccion,what's terminologie?First lesson,basic terminologieTermino!ogy is nowadays seen as а number of practices that Ьауе evo!ved around the creation of terтs (а !exica! unit consisting of one or more than one word which represents а concept...
2 стр.

Gang Violence

In society there is an on going problem that must be dealt with immediately, which is the important issue of gang violence...
17 стр.

Тест по английски с отоговори (условията са на руски)

Чтобы правильно тест 4, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса английского языка по рекомендованному учебнику: 1. Сложные формы инфинитива (Passive Infinitive, Perfect Infinitive). Обороты, равнозначные придаточным предложениям...