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1 стр.

What recent news story has affected you the most

The news story that affected me the most recently was the earthquake in Haiti that happened on the 12th January this year. It was a world-wide shock because there were millions of gone, injured or homeless people and those who lived should remember...
1 стр.

Exploring the past

Exploring the past is a purposeless activity all of us have little secrets which we don’t want to share with others – things which we are ashamed of, things which are too intimate to tell or just things which happened in the past and we...
1 стр.

To believe or not to believe i God

In the past people believed in God. Then everything was connected with church. Gadually the person starts no to believe so much in God. Of course there was and there will be people who believe strongly and people who are not so religious...
2 стр.

Защита на животните и природата

Това е доста проста концепция - опазване на дивите животни на планетата. Вие искате мисля, че не би трябвало да бъде трудно да се държа нещата такива, каквито са. Но всичко се движи толкова бързо в този модерен свят, и ако нещата не са пребиваващи...
1 стр.

For and against living in a town

Everything in life has advantages and disadvantages, as well as living in the city. One the one hand, the city is a good place for development at the person.You can associate with many intelligent people. Nevertheless you can feel lonely...
2 стр.

What is love

Love itself is universal experience. Yet, every individual occurrence. while perhaps bound by a common thread - seems absolutely unique. Love is...
2 стр.

The most important invention

There are a lot of important inventions in 20th century. But one of the most important inventions is the portable computer or laptop...
1 стр.


The reality that surrounds us and the relations in which we are involved every day, show us a world of multiple, rich nuances and differences, then how do the individual understand this complex world?...
4 стр.

"Christianity Motifs in "The Tragedy of Macbeth" by Shakespeare

In this essay I would like to prove that in “The Tragedy of Macbeth” there are several moments that remind to some of the basic problems of Christianity religion. In the tragedy the author has examined ‘the dark side” ....
7 стр.

The Misery and the Splendor of Translation

The essay of Jose Ortega y Gasset contains his views about translation. It is structured as a fictitious dialogue held by academics and students of the College de France in Paris. The author begins the discussion by explaining the...