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161-170 от 710
3 стр.

Why do people lie

To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive or to create a false or misleading impression...
3 стр.

The Most Important Things in Life

Life is not what it's cracked up to be. Sure, it sounds like good, but eventually we all encounter despair, failure, suffering, frustration, the unlovingness of our own hearts and of those around us, and finally death...
1 стр.

Most Experiences In Our Lives That Seemed Difficult At The Same Time Become Valuable Lessons For The Future

Some people do not take moral from their mistakes and repeat them again and again...
1 стр.

Есе по Английски език

I love and I admire my dearest aunt Natlia.She is nice always smily and very friendly...
1 стр.

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at very early age and should spend most of the time on school studies

There are two different opinions about how a childhood should be spent and what priorities small children should have...
1 стр.

There should be no compulsory school subjects

There should be no compulsory school subjects.Students should be allowed to choose the subjects they want to study.They cause a lot of hardship for every student because not all of them are good at every subject. However, are they necessary for us?...
3 стр.

Мартин Л. Кинг

Есето разказва историята и идеологията на Мартин Л. Кинг...
1 стр.


Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with?...
2 стр.

The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey of Self-discovery

“The Motorcycle Diaries”, directed by Walter Salles, is a film based in a true-life story that had a profound impact on revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara de la Serna and his friend Alberto Granado...
2 стр.

Praise of Human Will in 'Robinson Crusoe'

Есе върху 'Робинзон Крузо' и волята за живот на самотния остров.Материалът е предназначен за студенти английска филология....