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61-70 от 710
1 стр.

People succeed due to hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.

Todays world is a competetive world. Everyone here wants to be famous and want success in his life. Whether he may be successful boxer, sportman, actor or writer his present positin is only due to hard work....
1 стр.

есе по английски

Last Saturday i was walking home after school. It was an usual day for me like any other. I was with my friends and on my way home we were talking...
6 стр.

Дали любовта винаги побеждава?

Много от легендите от времето на Ренесанса и двадесети век ни убеждават, че любовта винаги побеждава. А какво да кажем за злото? Съществува философия, която обяснява, че всичко във вселената трябва да има противоположност, за да съществува и поддържа...
1 стр.

Advertising: Information or manipulation? Does advertising educate or mislead the public?

It is commonly agreed that the main function of advertising should be to inform. It is true to some extent that most of the commercials provide information that could be useful in one way of another. But does advertising have its main function nowadays is
2 стр.

Limits of the human body

One thing we've all learned in the last 30 years or so is that just about anything is humanly possible....
1 стр.

What transport do you prefer? With a car or with a public transportation?

Есе за TOEFL. Изложен увод, доказателство и заключение...
3 стр.

Есе по английски език

Съдържа възможни теми за writing и написано есе по една от тях, английски език на ниво С1...
3 стр.

It is essential that both work and education should be fun

Съдържа готово есе на ниво C1 по английски език...
2 стр.

Material possessions do not bring true happiness

It is doubtless that money and material possessions open many doors and give many opportunities. With money we can buy many things, but can we buy everything?...
1 стр.

Smoking Kills

Есе на тема " Защо пушим " на английски език, 350 думи, предназначено за ученици на ниво intermediate...