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2 стр.

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was born on 20 April 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn on the Austrian-German border.Hitler left school at 16 with no qualifications and struggled to make a living as a painter in Vienna...
1 стр.

Brave New World (by Aldous Huxley)

Доклад върху книгата Brave New World на Aldous Huxley.
3 стр.

Дъблин - Столицата на Ирландия

The city has a world-famous literary history, having produced many prominent literary figures, including Nobel laureates William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw and Samuel Beckett. Other influential writers and playwrights from Dublin include Oscar...
2 стр.

Принцеса Даяна - доклад по Английски език

Diana Frances Spencer (1961-1997) was born in Norfolk, Britain on July 1, 1961 (Donnelly, 1997). DianaIs fater, the eighth Earl Spencer was equerry to King George VI from 1950...
7 стр.

My points of view about “ Ivanhoe “

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in the family of declining nobles. He became crippled through illness and often spent his childhood in a sickbed. In 1786 he was apprenticed to his father, but he preferred reading to...
5 стр.

Bulgaria in the European Union

Bulgaria established diplomatic relations with the EU in 1988. In 1993, the European agreement on association was signed before entering into force in 1995.
2 стр.

Сирни Заговезни

Sirni Zagovezni - Shrove Sunday - was one of the best loved festivals coming at the close of winter. It always fell on the Sunday just seven weeks before Easter, marking the beginning of the Great Lent, the longest period of fasting throughout the year...
6 стр.

Notre dame

Картинки, описание и разказ на величествената катедрала Нотре Дам.
6 стр.


The term "Baroque" was initially used with a derogatory meaning, to underline the excesses of its emphasis...
2 стр.

The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak

The Geographical center of Bulgaria-between the Stara Planina and Sredna Gora mountains is known as the Rose Valley...