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441-450 от 710
2 стр.

Live at home

Student in another city, youngsters, often become more socialized and independent since they live alone for years, where there is no one to care them.
1 стр.

Internet makes communication between people less personal

Computers changed people’s way of thinking, their perception to the world and most importantly – the way we communicate.
1 стр.

Aggression – shows power or weakness!

Occasionally people should demonstrate strong mined and strong personality to be successful in the life...
1 стр.

There should be a complete ban on the advertising of dangerous products like cigarettes and alcohol

Advertisements for cigarettes or alcohol are dangerous especially for young people who are influenced by media and try almost every advertised product they have seen.
1 стр.

Есе по английски на тема "Човешкото Величие"

Съществува ли човешкото величие и в какво се изразява то?!
1 стр.

School’s over. Now what ?

I go back in time and think what big period of our lives we have spent in school. And the things we had to go through. 1st day at school. 1st grade.
2 стр.

In your opinion, should Bulgarians change something in their culture so as to become more successful members of the European Union?

Bulgarian culture is one of the oldest on the continent. It has developed for centuries and it could contribute to the enrichment of European culture.
2 стр.

Letters to Cleo

Авторско есе от курса ми по творческо писане в университета, подходящо се за ученици с профил английски език или студенти английска филология.
2 стр.

Describe a person who has the most significant influence over you

Every single person in the world has his own fellow-traveler who exhorts him in his life experiences. For me, such person is my mother. She has always put me in the first place, and has always looked after me like the most precious person in the world...
1 стр.

It Was Dark And Lonely Night

Есе, което ми беше поставено като задача в училище. Става въпрос за най-страшната ми случка, която в последствие се оказва просто една илюзия.