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511-520 от 710
7 стр.

War and heroism in The Red Badge of Courage and Farewell to Arms

It is the nature of the beast within that fuels our inclination toward conflict and destruction. During the surreal powers of war, life hangs in the balance setting the stage for an elite group of individuals who triumphantly rise above the rest amidst..
1 стр.

Laughter is the closest distance between two people

It is said that a single look of someone is able to make him smile...
1 стр.

Attending outdoor performances or watching TV

This is an essay for the TOEFL exam. It is very comprehensive and with a sure A!!!
1 стр.

Препоръчително писмо на английски език

Гарантирам за качеството на текста. Аз получих отлична оценка в ЕГ "Пловдив".
1 стр.

The technological innovations influence on people’s behavior

Today the influence on people’s behavior is worst than it used to be.People prefer to stay at home and watch television than to read books or go for a walk in open air...
2 стр.

Advanteges and disadvateges of immigrating

What are the Advanteges and disadvateges of immigrating and why is it important to learn English
1 стр.

Advantages And Disadvantages To Be One Child

Sometimes we say words like “ Why am I not a single child? “ or “ My brother/sister makes me nervous”. But which is better: to be alone or to have someone who can understand your problems?
1 стр.

Travel is the greatest form of education

Есе на английски на тема " Пътуването е най-великата форма на обучение" 394 думи.
1 стр.

Stress in our lives

These days people are becoming more and more stressed .The life in big cities is the most stressful thing...
1 стр.

which person in history whould you like to meet?

Sometimes people don’t appreciate what they have ,they forget that nothing don’t come without any effort .We have a wonderful land – a blue sea , a green mountains , fresh air…