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2 стр.

Защита на животните и природата

Това е доста проста концепция - опазване на дивите животни на планетата. Вие искате мисля, че не би трябвало да бъде трудно да се държа нещата такива, каквито са. Но всичко се движи толкова бързо в този модерен свят, и ако нещата не са пребиваващи...
1 стр.

The “moral” of the Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter is an 1850 work of romantic fiction in a historical setting, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is considered to be his masterpiece and most famous work...
3 стр.

Romanticism in opposition to Reality in Timothy Treadwell

In Werner Herzog's “Grizzly Man”, one of the statements Timothy Treadwell makes is, “Most times I'm a kind warrior out here. Most times, I am gentle, I am like a flower.” In this statement I find that he truly has a self conflicted understanding...
2 стр.

Subjects as art, music and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education

In my opinion subjects as art, music and drama should be included in children’s basic education because they improve their sense of culture and beauty. But children’s age also should be taken into deep consideration in order the best result to be achieved
2 стр.

Men and women have different kinds of brain

Men and women have different kinds of brain essay...
1 стр.

Which is better working for someone else or being your own boss

To be my own boss would be a great idea, but there are different arguments why I would not try to establish my own business, or be self-employed....
2 стр.

This I believe

Eсето разкрива личните морални и етични ценности според мен...
1 стр.

To be a celebrity

To be an celebrity is important and hard-working job. Although it seems to be easy, this job is one of the most arduous tasks...
1 стр.

Argumentative essay-are you for or against censorship in movies and music ?

Nowadays, people discuss really often the censorship theme and there are many different and controversial opinions about it. For some people it is wrong and for another it is right...
1 стр.

Auto engineer

I would like to work in the field of automotive engineering and designing. This career is basically taking an automobile idea and formatting it on to paper or computer programs...