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231-240 от 710
1 стр.

Watching TV vs reading a book

I love to read but I also love watching a good movie. If you love to read, then you are exercising your imagination by going into another world and reading about it...
2 стр.

The pros and cons of living in the city

Razsujdenie vurhy pliusovete i minysite otnosno jiveeneto v golemiq grad podkrepeno s kratki istoriiki! ..Ese za otli4en...
2 стр.

Рopular sports

Due to the various traditions and different lifestyle in Bulgaria and UK, there are some dismatches about sports preferences and their attitude to what and how one should practise. These differences are caused by economical and cultural factors and...
1 стр.

А good beginning is half the battle

Living is a constant struggle – for survival, happiness, success, love. We are always fighting to achieve something, giving the best we can to make the desired event or subject come true...
4 стр.

Art Gender

Men throughout history have dominated the art world. The portrayal of women’s bodies by male artists was often their solely contribution to the western arts. But change came and ‘postmodernism has remade the world in ways that can never be retracted...
2 стр.

Advantage and Disadvantage

There are many people in the world. Some of them are living where they were born, and some of them are living in a foreign country. They sometimes face a lot of problems...
2 стр.

War on road

There were nearly 12 000 auto accidents in Bulgaria in 2006. More then 10 000 people were injured and 1006 people killed. 95 per cent of case are cause by the drivers, 3.4 per cent by walkers, and only 1 per cent technical reasons or weather conditions.
2 стр.


Bulgarian and British tribes have been inhabitting Europe for more than two milleniums. They have a lot in common considering that they were very often sharing one faith...
1 стр.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

Nowadays, education is the main priority for youths so they look for opportunities to continue their studies. Thus, studying abroad is a good choice...
1 стр.

"Generally the future of mankind looks bright. Those who argue otherwise are being unnecessarily pessimistic"

It is said that the future depends on what we do now. I thoroughly agree with that idea but sometimes we can't do much to change it. Do you think people will live better lives in the future?...