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621-630 от 710
1 стр.

My favorite movie

My favorite film is Walt Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. It’s a pirate adventure film. It grossed almost $654 million...
1 стр.

Tour guiding a foreigner

Есе за съветите които бихте дали на чужденец посещаващ за първи път България. Около 320-330 думи за да се помести в изискванията които са за повечето изпити.
1 стр.

My life in 2017

LIfe changes so rapidly that in 10 years' time it definitely will be quite different from what it is like now...
1 стр.

On the first of March

It takes the arrival of old lady Martha for the citizenry notion. For a month March is only for a female month , he knows for month of the conception of spring and ground that will birth for summer and richness...
1 стр.

When wishes come true

All their life people want something - friends,better job,new computer, love , health , save life,new car.Our wishes are without number and some of them are very difficult to execute
1 стр.

Why do i like to work on photoshop?

Not my main but one of my interests is the computer program Photoshop CS3.I like it because I can edit pictures on the way I want .I do also simple animations...
1 стр.

Toefl essay

Traveling to a different country can be both exciting and frustrating at the same time. What are the most important pieces of advice that you would give visitors coming to your country? Give reasons and details to support your response.
1 стр.

Some people,for the sake of getting a living,forget to the live

Every one dream to be rich and success in his life.If you wanted to get rich, how would you do it? I think your best bet would be to start or join a startup.
1 стр.

Environmental Problems

The essay is about the environmental problems which have negative effect on us.
2 стр.

Making decision alone or not

Това е есе по английски език, което е предназначено за явяваши се на TOEFL. Есето е на тема "Трябва ли човек да решава сам или не?"