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2 стр.

Rise of Democracy in South America

South Amerika is a land of different cultures and has...
3 стр.

Образ базарова

Личностъ базарова замйкается в самой себе, потому что вне ее и вокруг нее почти нет вовсе родственнйх ей елементов.
19 стр.

Россия, Russia - История России - возможности изучения “Политика Росии”

Мировоззрение летописцев - первых историков - было религиозным. История государства и общества истолковывалась как осуществление божественного замысла, воздаяние людям за добродетели и наказание за грехи.
2 стр.

A Blunder by Anton Chekhov

Ilya Sergeitch Peplov and his wife Kleopatra Petrovna were standing at the door, listening greedily.
2 стр.

Greenland- Greenlandic

Greenland (Greenlandic: Kalaallit Nunaat, meaning "Land of the Kalaallit (Greenlanders)"; Danish: Grønland, meaning "Greenland") is a self-governed Danish territory. Though geographically and ethnically an Arctic island na ...
3 стр.

Galapagos Archipelago

The Galapagos Archipelago is a cluster of some 13 volcanic islands and associated islets and rocks located just under the equator, about 600 miles west of Ecuador in South America ...
3 стр.

Santa Claus

Stories about a man called Santa Claus have been told throughout the years in different parts of the world. The basic story about Santa Claus is this ...
2 стр.

Napoleon I

Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) King of Italy, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation and Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, born Napoleone di Buonaparte ...
2 стр.

The life story of Nikita Hrushchev

His story is something like a fairy tale. A humble young peasant boy, born to a world........
7 стр.

Sapin de Noлl - Christmas Tree

The idea of the Christmas came from Alsace in the 14th century. In thosse days, people decorated Christmas trees with apples, paper flowers, and ribbons.