Филтрирай резултатите
111-120 от 1000
4 стр.

Как да напишем есе

Видове есета и как се пишат - Есето може да бъде разделено на четири основни типа: разказвателен, описателен, рефлективен и дискусионен (полемичен)...
1 стр.

есе по английски

Last Saturday i was walking home after school. It was an usual day for me like any other. I was with my friends and on my way home we were talking...
1 стр.

Христианството в България

Orthodox Church is one of the main branches of Christianity. It includes a group of churches, recognizing the first seven ecumenical council and share full communionAnd specific doctrines and traditions....
13 стр.

Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning - проект по английски език...
1 стр.

the english language

English began as a west Germanic language which was brought to English by the Saxons. Old English was spoken and written language of England between 400 and 1100 AD. Many words used today come from Old English including man, woman, king and mother....
6 стр.

Дали любовта винаги побеждава?

Много от легендите от времето на Ренесанса и двадесети век ни убеждават, че любовта винаги побеждава. А какво да кажем за злото? Съществува философия, която обяснява, че всичко във вселената трябва да има противоположност, за да съществува и поддържа...
1 стр.

Advertising: Information or manipulation? Does advertising educate or mislead the public?

It is commonly agreed that the main function of advertising should be to inform. It is true to some extent that most of the commercials provide information that could be useful in one way of another. But does advertising have its main function nowadays is
2 стр.

William Shakespeare

Биографията на Уилям Шекспир на английски език. Споменати са важни произведения, има допълнителни данни за "Хамлет"....
2 стр.

Limits of the human body

One thing we've all learned in the last 30 years or so is that just about anything is humanly possible....
2 стр.

off the beaten track

Koprivshtitsa is one of the highest towns in Bulgaria and it offers wonderful opportunities for short walks and longer excursions in the lonely surroundings. Tucked away in central Sredna Gora Mountain, lit up by the tender mountain sun at the altitude...