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261-270 от 710
6 стр.

The Ideal School

I shall try in this paper to break away from all current practices, traditions, methods, and fresh and comprehensive view of the nature and needs of childhood...
2 стр.

Adultery in The Crucible and The Color Purple

Throughout literature, one comes across characters that are not as appealing because they are promiscuous. John Proctor, from “The Crucible”, Harpo and Albert, from The Color Purple, are all examples of men who commit adultery. Their respective wives...
1 стр.

Money Makes the World Go Round

It's well known that money doesn't buy happiness, stability or love.
1 стр.

Family Problems

Ever wonder if someone had a perfect family life? Many people choose to keep their family life separated from any other life. Most of the time they are embarrassed or there is simply not enough time to explain...
3 стр.

Why do people like listening to music?

It helps with blocking out the rest of the world around them so that they will focus on their work. But some people can't listen to music because they get distracted. It depends on the type of person you are...
2 стр.

My adventure in the past

People were happy with no cares. Everebody was rich and they could by everything they wanted for their needs. Beacause of that ...
2 стр.

Conservation and reproduction

Nature is a complex organism, some of which we.Environment and our living space, our-food, water, energy ...... all the bases, which is related to our existence, our survival ...
1 стр.

Letter to a friend

How are you? I just had to send this letter to tell you how much I love you and care foryou.
2 стр.

The qualities of the good detective

The qualities of the good detective Remember the FBI motto "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity"? Long, long ago the authorities have embedded in concrete what makes a good guard of law and in my opinion it also concerns the detectives.
1 стр.

Global warming

One of the main problems nowadays is the global warming. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since 1950...