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2 стр.

My wonderful experience

About a month ago my friend and I ( who had been planning for a few weeks to get piercings done) were determined to get our piercings. My friend had decided that getting her tragus pierced was the right piercing for her...
5 стр.

A Morning in Pravetz

Do you remember your first morning to a new place? I remember my first morning in Pravetz. I can still see it in my mind. It impressed me a lot. After that moment I watch the sight from the window of my room...
4 стр.

Answering Arguments against the Living Wage

The following are some common misunderstandings and arguments we've heard regarding campus living wage campaigns. Please contact us to suggest more questions & answers, or any other changes to this page!
2 стр.


Christmas Christmas is perhaps the most important festivity in the Christian world. Ever since Christianity became the main religion in Bulgaria in 864 AD the Christian population celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ at the end of December...
1 стр.


Christmas Christmastime was always a magical time of year for me. The beautifully decorated shopping malls, with toys everywhere you looked, always fascinated me. And the houses, with the way their lights would glow upon the glistening snow at night...
1 стр.

Advantages of knowing foreign language

Advantages of knowing foreign language It is very important and necessary to study foreign language nowadays. That gives us good opportunities to realize our dreams, ideas and purposes. There are many advantages of knowing foreign language...
2 стр.

Easter in Bulgaria

Eсе което разкрива начина или по точно обичаите на българите, в навечерието на този светъл християнски празник и начина на празнуването на празника като цяло. Легендата за възкръстването на Хеистос и някои вярвания на християните.
1 стр.

What is your idea of a lifelong friend?

When I think about what makes someone a lifelong friend, I think about all the characteristics of my own friends...
2 стр.

Why do people like listening to music?

In the world of music, there are endless possibilities for creativity in production. But when it comes to sitting down and listening to your favorite artists, what is the best way to do it? ...
3 стр.

When was the last time you saw homeless people

Did you ever wonder what events had to have happened to make that person want to or have to live in the streets with no place to go to? There are many things that could have happened to them which might have contributed to their problem...