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61-70 от 1000
4 стр.

France - food, sport and lifestyle

France is a country full of taste and elegance, and simply being there is a satisfying experience. All proud to be French, people respect their land with strong and real traditions of civic equality...
1 стр.

For and Against the mobile phones

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Mobile phones play an important role in our daily lives. But why are they so popular...
3 стр.

Граматика по английски език

Граматика: времена, each & every, първи условен тип изречения + примери и др....
4 стр.

Сontrastive analysis

Попълнен финален тест на contrastive analysis по английски език...
1 стр.

Лицата на нова Европа (на английски)

It is said that Europe has changed much through the past century. It has become more open-minded mainly in the ethical sphere. People have started accepting the “different” kind of existence. What I say is true, but to a certain degree....
1 стр.

Моята идеална стая (на английски)

Everybody has a special place where feels free and is far away from everything bad for him.In my life this is my room.My room is a special place where I can always escape the outside world and concentrate on other important things in my life....
4 стр.

Конспект по английски език за детска градина

Запозноване децата с частите на дома.Преговор на стари знания.Игри....
2 стр.

Events in 1950s

In the 1950’s the world and all of the countries were still recovering from World War Two. The people from the United States weren’t sure if the country was so powerful anymore. 1959 was an important year for the United States and its development....
1 стр.

Пушенето - рисковано или не (на английски)

I am not a smoker and I have never tried, so I cannot tell what the feeling is. However, I know that thousands of years ago smoking was considered as a religious ceremony ...
4 стр.

Коледа по Света (на английски)

Това е материал за Коледа по света. Можете да разберете какви са обичайте в някой страни по Коледа....